MGC “ Eastern Stars”

Product Name:

Description and Properties :
Oil mixture (80% fat) – a mixture of margarine (made from vegetable oils) and natural dairy fat. Natural milk fat content of 13% minimum.
Oil mixture (80%) for the puff pastry has a hardness and ductility needed for baking and pastry products such as puff pastry and puff pastry (croissants, Danish pastries). The best stretch is achieved at a temperature of 15-18 degrees C. However, it can be used in the test with a temperature of 5-18 degrees C. The rising puff pastry with a mixture of fats suitable for use in a hot room with temperatures up to 32 degrees C °.

Vegetable oil is low trans, water, obezvozhenny milk fat, salt, emulsifiers mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, butter flavoring, acidity regulator, color (beta-carotene).


  • Fat: min.80% of which min. 13.0% milk fat.
  • Humidity: max. 19,5%
  • Low-fat dry matter: 0,5%
  • color (yellowness index): yellow-orange oil butter
  • Smell: butter
  • melting temperature (average value): 36,0 -39,0 ° C.
  • free fatty acids or FFA (kakoleinovaya acid): max. 0,30%
  • Peroxide value (PV): max. 1,0 milli-eq. O2/kg

10 kg in a cardboard box, divided into pieces of 10 x 1 kg, and wrapped in plastic wrap.

Storage Recommendations:
Max. 6 months at max. 10-15 degrees C.
Max. 12 months at – 18 ° C.